RESPONSIBILITIES: information architecture, user experience, and interaction design

Jonathan Louis’ vision was to become the first brand that consumers think of when they think of furniture, but marketing efforts in the past had all been exclusively focused on targeting distributors and large-scale b2b dealers. Furthermore, JL’s website was specifically designed for wholesale and did not provide any information that was helpful for the end user. Image galleries were unconnected to product information, layers of screen depth obstructed important content about quality and materials and failed to help consumers understand the cost/value of well made furniture.

Our team’s overall user experience strategy focused intensely on removing any and all navigational barriers between user and interior design applied in the show room display vignettes. This decidedly visual and “tactile” approach to IA brought the showroom center stage and assured that nothing obstructed the experience of intimate space from the moment the page opened. All supporting information on the latest trends in furniture was instantaneously accessible right where the user’s eyes went without any interference of unnecessary layers of screen depth.

Jonathan Louis completed website won the 2012 webawards b2b standard of excellence.